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Ruth Rubin coaching


I help c-suite leadership reclaim agency over their work and lives.

With 17 years of experience as CEO of a multi-million dollar HR company, I know what makes a truly successful career.  We’ll clarify your professional ambitions, discover your hidden talents, and identify actionable steps to achieve your goals. 

Ruth Rubin coaching

Imagine waking up every morning excited about going to work. 

Despite your success, you’re feeling bored, unfulfilled, and disengaged, day after day. It’s impacting your professional performance, your personal life, and your sense of self. 

The good news is, there’s a way forward - and you don’t have to find it alone. Through insightful questions, deep listening, and guided reflection, we’ll figure out what’s going wrong and how to make your next move with clarity.

How do you know if executive career coaching is right for you?

You want more.

Your priorities and dreams have evolved. What you worked so hard to achieve doesn’t make you happy anymore.

You’re at a crossroads.

But you can’t figure out your next step and you’re afraid to take the risk.

You're off-balance.

Your family and social life are suffering and your work is taking up too much time and energy. 

You're stuck.

You’ve been in the same role for too long and you aren’t getting the recognition you deserve. 

You feel like a failure.

Your teams aren’t working cohesively and you’re not the leader you thought you’d be. 

You’re ready for change.

You need professional help with your CV, salary negotiations, interview preparations, and more. 

With me, there are no “shoulds.”

If you’re looking for someone to tell you what to do, you’re in the wrong place. I combine professional experience and natural intuition to hear the depths of what you’re saying and, perhaps more importantly, what is left unsaid. 

Throughout this process, we’ll uncover the hidden fears, hopes, and values that will guide you to make the best choices for you at this stage in your life. 

Books and tablet on a table

Our Process

  • We’ll start with a 30-minute call to discuss your needs and see if we’re a good fit.

  • Next, you’ll fill out a short survey to share more about your current situation and goals.

  • In this 90-minute coaching call, we’ll dive into your challenges, blindspots, aspirations, and actionable next steps. 

  • For 5 business days, you have my full attention!

  • We’ll finish with a 30-minute call to give you tools for long term success. 

"Her encouragement, expertise, and genuine desire to see me succeed helped me identify my strengths, clarify my goals, and take actionable steps towards achieving them - ultimately helping me to land the dream job that I'm in today."

— Ellen Steel, Director of Programs, Re-Grow Israel

"Ruth's insightful guidance, intuitive questioning, and industry knowledge helped me navigate a career change with confidence, empowering me to step out of my comfort zone and pursue new opportunities."

"The most significant thing I have taken from my mentorship with Ruth is the complete confidence to bring my authentic self into the workplace. Her work goes beyond just career coaching and advice; it taps deeply into who you are. Ruth has a gift for finding and celebrating the spark in everyone!"

— Maraym Hussain, Delivery Manager, Cloud Factory

"Ruth’s approach has always been real, practical, and tailored so perfectly to my way of thinking."

"She combines sharp intelligence with an uncanny ability to quickly pinpoint the essence of who you are and what drives you. As I navigated the challenges of a career change, her insights were incredibly validating - affirming my experiences and empowering me to embrace my strengths. Ruth challenged me to not just aim for positions I could get, but to pursue those that would set me up for the greatest success, growth, and happiness. Beyond her expertise, Ruth's kindness consistently shone through in every interaction, creating a supportive environment where I felt understood and encouraged. I cannot recommend Ruth’s services enough for the direction, encouragement, and clarity she provided."

— Rachel Margolin

“Ruth's coaching has been nothing short of transformative for me."

"If you saw me on the street, you might say: "Wow, she looks so confident!" But looks can be deceiving. I'm afraid of change. I hate compliments. I constantly criticise myself. I feel incapable of doing anything other than what I currently do. I’m insecure in so many aspects of my life. When I first met Ruth, I was sure there was nothing she could say to help me. However, in just one session, I realised what I really wanted in life and understood that the change I needed to make wasn't actually so big or scary. I don't know how Ruth did it. Perhaps it was the right words or the way she said them, but it was exactly what I so desperately needed. I can't thank you enough, my dear Ruth, for helping me see things in a new light and for allowing me to finally feel good about myself."

— Anna Abramson

"I don't know how Ruth did it. Perhaps it was the right words or the way she said them, but it was exactly what I so desperately needed."

"Ruth asked the right questions that made me really explore my own motivations and take action to solve the conflict. Thanks to Ruth’s guidance, I’m in a completely different place today. If you want to find your strengths, just sit down with Ruth. From there, the sky's the limit!"


- Ronen Abitbul, Self-Employed → Front End Developer, IMGN AI

"I came for a consultation with Ruth at a moment of great deliberation about how to grow my business while investing in my personal development."

"She brings her insight and experience to bear in her work now as a coach and consultant. If you are curious about growing a people business, speak to Ruth."

- Carol Foussat, BGP Programme Director, Cranfield School of Management

"With Ruth's experience of creating a high service, rapid growth business, her understanding of what enables the growth of a team and business are clear - she's lived it."

"She was incredibly cool, honest, and to the point, but also empathic and warm. Thanks to her, I got a job that's nothing like my previous roles, in a well-established company in an industry I had no idea how to break into.  Ruth reinforced a side to me that had been hidden for so long."

- L. Browne, Smart Works Client

"Thanks to my interview coach, Ruth, I was the most confident I’ve ever felt in an interview."

"Ruth has always led with a ‘people first’ strategy, which is exceptional in the Temp Agency business. Her actions demonstrated caring, emotional intelligence, and a big heart. Ruth is also a clever businesswoman. She has a keen understanding of market forces, what can work, and what doesn’t. She knows how to surround herself with excellent people."

- Ben Hizak, Co-Founder, Cherre

"Ruth is an exceptional person. As someone who has co-founded several businesses, she knows how to take a business from vision through implementation, as well as how to manage it going forward."

- Lucy C., Operations Director

"I deeply appreciate  your time, support, guidance and advice. You gave us very valuable points, insights, and comments, I can't tell you how useful it was."

Minimalistic work place
You’re 5 steps away from personal and professional fulfilment. 

Timeline is typically 1-3 weeks. Price starts at $1,400

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